Sunday, April 25, 2010

World Journal of Gastroenterology-Baishideng Publishing

World Journal of Gastroenterology-Baishideng Publishing

Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas (IPMN) shows a wide spectrum of histological presentations, ranging from adenoma with mild atypia to adenocarcinoma, and was first described by Ohashi et al[1] in 1980. IPMN is divided into two types, the main duct type and the branch duct type. In general, branch duct IPMN develops slowly and has a comparatively good prognosis. However, in several studies, it became evident that IPMN is a disease that very frequently coexists with cancer. Therefore, the prognosis of IPMN is more closely related to the coexisting disease than to IPMN per se[2-8]. In the present study, the prognostic significance of the coexistence of metachronous and synchronous cancer in branch duct IPMN was investigated.

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